
Day 23 Paleo/Zone Update

Published September 24th, 2015 by Unknown

Well I just realized that the all of the daily blog updates that I have been posting never posted and that we were all stuck using the blog post from barely 2 weeks ago. Technology...why I otta. Ok, so maybe I forgot a few times. Nevertheless, after receiving hate mail, death threats and Chocolate Thunder (big James) threatening to proceed to the final layer of clothing if the blog isnt updated immediately; I have decided to update the blog.

Although the blog has been stagnant, all participants in challenge have been moving like crazy! Its only been 3 plus weeks and I have heard several testimonies from each class talking about how they feel better, move better and that their clothes are starting to fit looser. I realize that some people have elected to jump head-first of the deepend by consuming things like Hotwings, DQ and Chick-fil-A and Domino's Pizza while others have stayed the course and see the finish line in sight.

Keep up the good work everyone and lets finish strong!

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